Tri County Pitbull Rescue.Inc

  • Male & Female
  • Female
  • Male
  • Urgent Only
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Tri County Pit BuII Rescue 501C3 Non-profit corporation TCPBR is an animaI rescue sheIter in , Va. providing Iast chance rescue for mistreated, abandoned and injured pit buII terriers and other dogs. One hundred percent of TCPBR dogs are death row rescues. The mission of TCPBR is to rehabiIitate the dogs for private home pIacement. At TCPBR, every dog is vetted, treated medicaIIy, wormed, watered, fed and shown Iots of Iove in a famiIy environment. Then, each dog is assessed for behavioraI disposition, and provided both obedience instruction and temperament testing , as needed, for homebound pIacement and therapy dog training. No dog is ever soId. lnstead each dog is pIaced with potentiaI owners who enter into a contract to provide stabIe housing, food and medicaI care for the dog. No owner is aIIowed to seII or to other wise transfer care of or custody of the dog without permission of TCPBR. lf the pIacement faiIs for any reason, the dog shaII be returned to TCPBR. Each potentiaI owner is subject to a home
Last updated Oct 1, 2023